imagenes, pensamientos y actividades de un peregrino//images, thoughts and activities of a pilgrim //imagens, pensamentos e atividades dum peregrino
Monday, January 31, 2005
Na Atlanta
Recentemente estive na Atlanta. De volta no avaio escrevi o siguinte relatorio das minhas atividades. Pensei que o botar no "Atrium" seria um jeito de re-lembrar e compartilhar as boas experiencias vividas nessa terra abancoada...
From January 2 to January 14 I traveled to Decatur. GA, as part of my Doctor of Ministry studies to Columbia Theological Seminary
The course I took was titled “Bridging Gospel and Culture” led by Dr. Stan Wood, who prior to his appointment at Columbia was the national staff person for evangelism in the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Like in my previous study leave (April 2004), the class was a very intense combination of lectures, readings, case studies and dialogue with fellow students. All this was enhanced by much prayer and daily worship services.
I presented a ten-pages paper outlining a strategy that can help us at QHPC engage a broader segment of the unchurched population in the area by engaging the consumerist “spirit of the season”.
In addition to the academic responsibilities, I became involved in some other ministry related activities:
· Led worship and preached a sermon titled “Mysterious Light” on Epiphany Day (January 6) at the Seminary’s chapel.
· Worshiped at Intown Community Church, a Presbyterian Church of America congregation that with good taste integrates a worship band into its distinctively classic stile of worship. Through a small groups strategy this 20 year old church has a membership that averages around 35 years old (similar to the community around QHPC) and has already daughter another church in the Atlanta area.
· Worshiped at historical Peachtree Presbyterian Church and was able to observe the progress of its contemporary service that now averages about 750 in attendance.
· Collected material in preparation for worship and preaching in 2005 at QHPC.
· Compiled Annual Reports for QHPC's congregational meeting on January 16.
From January 2 to January 14 I traveled to Decatur. GA, as part of my Doctor of Ministry studies to Columbia Theological Seminary
The course I took was titled “Bridging Gospel and Culture” led by Dr. Stan Wood, who prior to his appointment at Columbia was the national staff person for evangelism in the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Like in my previous study leave (April 2004), the class was a very intense combination of lectures, readings, case studies and dialogue with fellow students. All this was enhanced by much prayer and daily worship services.
I presented a ten-pages paper outlining a strategy that can help us at QHPC engage a broader segment of the unchurched population in the area by engaging the consumerist “spirit of the season”.
In addition to the academic responsibilities, I became involved in some other ministry related activities:
· Led worship and preached a sermon titled “Mysterious Light” on Epiphany Day (January 6) at the Seminary’s chapel.
· Worshiped at Intown Community Church, a Presbyterian Church of America congregation that with good taste integrates a worship band into its distinctively classic stile of worship. Through a small groups strategy this 20 year old church has a membership that averages around 35 years old (similar to the community around QHPC) and has already daughter another church in the Atlanta area.
· Worshiped at historical Peachtree Presbyterian Church and was able to observe the progress of its contemporary service that now averages about 750 in attendance.
· Collected material in preparation for worship and preaching in 2005 at QHPC.
· Compiled Annual Reports for QHPC's congregational meeting on January 16.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Declaracion de Mision/ Mission Statement
About 5 years ago, my friend Steve Schaf took the time to lead a group of three pastors in a process of discerment about our sense of vocation. Few experiences in my life have been as enriching. Here is a mission statement that came out of that "refocusing process" and that has guided me since then. (This would be the most recent update)...
God calls me to live in this world continually enjoying my relationship with God-self, my wife, my friends and family. I will join the Holy Spirit in developing the potential that God has placed in me and will cooperate with others as they also develop it through a growing love for Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as revealed in Scriptures. Following the example of Jesus I will live in an accessible, honest and compassionate way. I will also live taking risks and committing myself to obeying the voice of the Father so that God’s will be done and others also come to experience God’s unconditional acceptance and justice.
I will take advantage of each opportunity I have to laugh, dream, study and rest. I will strive to influence other Christian leaders to join God in the development, growth and multiplication of churches so that through those churches the Lord of History continue to bring about a Christ-centered transformation of societies
God calls me to live in this world continually enjoying my relationship with God-self, my wife, my friends and family. I will join the Holy Spirit in developing the potential that God has placed in me and will cooperate with others as they also develop it through a growing love for Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as revealed in Scriptures. Following the example of Jesus I will live in an accessible, honest and compassionate way. I will also live taking risks and committing myself to obeying the voice of the Father so that God’s will be done and others also come to experience God’s unconditional acceptance and justice.
I will take advantage of each opportunity I have to laugh, dream, study and rest. I will strive to influence other Christian leaders to join God in the development, growth and multiplication of churches so that through those churches the Lord of History continue to bring about a Christ-centered transformation of societies
Carta a un primo
Hace poco le escribi un e-mail a Angel, mi primo con quien no habia hablado en los ultimos 20 anios. La pongo aca por que puede ser una manera en la que personas con las que no he estado en contacto por mucho tiempo pueden enterarse sobre como he estado...
Dejame contarte un poco de lo ocurrido en los ultimos 20 anos. No hay duda de que seguir al Senor ha sido lo mejor que ha ocurrido en mi vida. A los 16 anos, después de un tiempo asistendo a Las Acacias comence a cooperar con un misionero americano que estaba plantando una iglesia de las Asambleas de Dios que llamamos “Gran Cruzada de Fe” (Ahora independiente). Esa fue una etapa de tremenda intensidad espiritual. A los 18 me fui a Sao Paulo, Brasil para comenzar mi licenciatura en Teologia en un Seminario Inter.-denominacional con profesores tanto pentecostales como provenientes de iglesias historicas (Congregacionales, Reformados, Presbiterianos, Bautistas, y Luteranos, etc). Durante ese tiempo Dios me dio la oportunidad de viajar en varias ocasiones a Montevideo, Uruguay para ayudar a una iglesia alla y fui ordenado ministro del Evangelio por la "Uniao de Iglejas Evangelicas Congregacionais do Brasil", la cual- junto a la Iglesia Presbiteriana del Brasil- es la organización protestante mas antigua del pais pero es muy abierta a las manifestación de los dones sobrenaturales del Espirito Santo. Fui el pastor fundador de una congregación en una region pobre del Sao Paulo y luego comence a explorar posibilidades de realizar un post-grado el los Estados Unidos.
Luego de unos meses en Venezuela con la Gran Cruzada de Fe y un corto viaje misionero a Bogota, estuve en un congreso misionero en Orlando y predicando en algunas iglesias en otros estados del sur. Al llegar a California entre al Seminario Fuller en Pasadena y estuve cooperando por anos en el desarrollo de una iglesia Bautista carismatica. Lamentablemente tuve una experiencia que realmente me decepciono. Herido espiritualmente y sin dinero para continuar los estudios me dedique a trabajar en lo que me saliera. El trayecto de mesonero a gerente de hotel me tomo casi 4 anos pero valio la pena. Durante ese tiempo no solo aprendi muchas cosas practicas sino que refleccione, Maricela y yo nos casamos y comence a congregarme nuevamente.
El lugar que Dios escojio restaurar mi fe fue una pequena iglesia Presbiteriana. Es verdad, ellos no enfatizaban el tipo de espiritualidad sensacional a la que yo estaba acostumbrado pero me dieron muestras de ser genuinos seguidores de Cristo; no interesados en manipular sino en verdaderamente compartir Su vida abundante a los que la necesitan.
Despues complete mi post-grado y trabaje iniciando una iglesia de habla española por 4 anos. Hace ano y medio vine a pastorear una iglesia de habla inglesa. Desde entonces mi esposa se graduo de la universidad y yo inicie estudios doctorales en un Seminario en Atlanta, para donde viajo con frecuencia.
Dejame contarte un poco de lo ocurrido en los ultimos 20 anos. No hay duda de que seguir al Senor ha sido lo mejor que ha ocurrido en mi vida. A los 16 anos, después de un tiempo asistendo a Las Acacias comence a cooperar con un misionero americano que estaba plantando una iglesia de las Asambleas de Dios que llamamos “Gran Cruzada de Fe” (Ahora independiente). Esa fue una etapa de tremenda intensidad espiritual. A los 18 me fui a Sao Paulo, Brasil para comenzar mi licenciatura en Teologia en un Seminario Inter.-denominacional con profesores tanto pentecostales como provenientes de iglesias historicas (Congregacionales, Reformados, Presbiterianos, Bautistas, y Luteranos, etc). Durante ese tiempo Dios me dio la oportunidad de viajar en varias ocasiones a Montevideo, Uruguay para ayudar a una iglesia alla y fui ordenado ministro del Evangelio por la "Uniao de Iglejas Evangelicas Congregacionais do Brasil", la cual- junto a la Iglesia Presbiteriana del Brasil- es la organización protestante mas antigua del pais pero es muy abierta a las manifestación de los dones sobrenaturales del Espirito Santo. Fui el pastor fundador de una congregación en una region pobre del Sao Paulo y luego comence a explorar posibilidades de realizar un post-grado el los Estados Unidos.
Luego de unos meses en Venezuela con la Gran Cruzada de Fe y un corto viaje misionero a Bogota, estuve en un congreso misionero en Orlando y predicando en algunas iglesias en otros estados del sur. Al llegar a California entre al Seminario Fuller en Pasadena y estuve cooperando por anos en el desarrollo de una iglesia Bautista carismatica. Lamentablemente tuve una experiencia que realmente me decepciono. Herido espiritualmente y sin dinero para continuar los estudios me dedique a trabajar en lo que me saliera. El trayecto de mesonero a gerente de hotel me tomo casi 4 anos pero valio la pena. Durante ese tiempo no solo aprendi muchas cosas practicas sino que refleccione, Maricela y yo nos casamos y comence a congregarme nuevamente.
El lugar que Dios escojio restaurar mi fe fue una pequena iglesia Presbiteriana. Es verdad, ellos no enfatizaban el tipo de espiritualidad sensacional a la que yo estaba acostumbrado pero me dieron muestras de ser genuinos seguidores de Cristo; no interesados en manipular sino en verdaderamente compartir Su vida abundante a los que la necesitan.
Despues complete mi post-grado y trabaje iniciando una iglesia de habla española por 4 anos. Hace ano y medio vine a pastorear una iglesia de habla inglesa. Desde entonces mi esposa se graduo de la universidad y yo inicie estudios doctorales en un Seminario en Atlanta, para donde viajo con frecuencia.
Hi everyone! This is just a way of registering and sharing some of my experiences, feelings and reflections. Let me tell you from the get go: Don't be surprised if from time to time you find stuff in other languages, My family and friends are pretty diverse and spread around the world. “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live" Acts 17:24-26
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