Thursday, May 28, 2009

Multiracial Americans: The Fastest Growing Group

The number of multiracial people rose 3.4 percent last year to about 5.2 million, according to the latest census estimates. First given the option in 2000, Americans who check more than one box for race on census surveys have jumped by 33 percent and now make up 5 percent of the minority population — with millions more believed to be uncounted.
Demographers attributed the recent population growth to more social acceptance and slowing immigration. They cited in particular the high public profiles of Tiger Woods and President Barack Obama, a self-described "mutt," who are having an effect on those who might self-identify as multiracial.
Population figures as of July 2008 show that California, Texas, New York and Florida had the most multiracial people, due partly to higher numbers of second- and later-generation immigrants who are more likely to "marry out." Measured by percentages, Hawaii ranked first with nearly 1 in 5 residents who were multiracial, followed by Alaska and Oklahoma, both at roughly 4 percent. (According to the Census Bureau, via Associated Press. Click here for the entire reporte)

Virtual Ministers in Scotland/Ministros Virtuales en Escocia

Para hacerle frente a la escasez de ministros ordenados en la Iglesia de Escocia (Presbiteriana) un consejo ministerial ha propuesto la utilización de "ministros virtuales" que pueden predicar y enseñar en vivo mediante un sistema electrónico de videos. Cada día aumenta el número de parroquias que no tienen ministros residentes y el futuro no parece muy alentador.

Monday, April 06, 2009